‘Fortnite’: How To Unlock The Deadpool Skin And The Deadpool Unmasked Style Variant


Credit: Epic games

Deadpool arrived in Fortnite last week, the new skin newly available along with all of the glorious metatext that defines this superhero. Getting him may have been the capstone achievement of a series of weird challenges, but it’s not the end: you’ve got more to do if you want the whole picture. If you’re just joining us, here are complete instructions for how to unlock the Deadpool skin and the Deadpool Unmasked Style Variant.


Credit: Epic Games

First off, you’ll need the battle pass. No way around this one: Deadpool is a premium skin, and you’ll have to either shell out some real money or use some accumulated V-bucks to pick the thing up.

After that, you’ll need to find the Deadpool challenges. The Battle Pass menu is different this time around: it’s built like an HQ for the starring secret agents, with challenges displayed on a briefing table in the middle. If you see an air vent off to the side, click on it. This will take you to a bathroom.

The bathroom is Deadpool’s office, and the hub for his challenges. go over to the computer and watch him log in to see them: there’s one for each of the eight weeks in the season so far, and you’ll need to complete them all. They typically involve finding an object in the HQ

Do all of that, and you’ll be able to choose whether Deadpool is wearing his mask or not. I’d recommend keeping it on, but that’s just me. It remains to be seen if this guy has any role to play in the plot for the rest of the season, but the challenge skin traditionally has something to do with bringing about whatever will define the next season.

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