The best Fortnite skins and how to get them

When it comes to cosmetics, Fortnite is one of the best around. With its ever-changing gameplay and a giant assortment of items to collect, part of what makes Fortnite so fun is being able to create your own unique sense of style. The coolest battle royale outfits are some of the rarest and exclusive items, usually requiring you to get some V-Bucks or invest in a battle pass to get them.

Some cosmetic items are only available for a limited time as part of an event or holiday. As such, some of the best skins aren't even available anymore. Here's a list of some of the best Fortnite skins ever released from launch all the way into chapter 2, season 2, along with how they were unlocked.

Further reading Ace

The Ace Fortnite skin is one of the best around if you are looking to play a powerful but beautiful character. Somewhat like a cross between Wildcard (also on this list) and a modern Little Red Riding Hood, the Ace skin will be familiar to anyone who has checked out our weekly challenge guides in the past. Initially introduced as part of the season 5 High Stakes event in battle royale, this epic outfit was only available as part of the third starter pack. It is no longer available for purchase.

Black Knight

This is another skin in Fortnite that many players desire but, unfortunately, this legendary outfit can no longer be obtained. It's an exclusive skin from tier 70 of the season 2 battle pass. With its pitch-black chainmail, face-obscuring helmet, and minimal blood-red accenting, this legendary skin will have any player that wears it looking incredibly menacing out on the battlefield. It remains to be seen if it will eventually be sold through the item shop.

Brite Bomber

This bright and bubbly outfit may seem pretty basic in comparison to some of the others we have on this list, but you'd be surprised by how popular it is among players, especially the younger players. The hot pink hair and unicorn aesthetic is why this is a popular Halloween costume for kids. It's a solid Fortnite skin for anyone who needs something new to add to their collection, since it's frequently available through the item shop for 1,200 V-Bucks.

Circuit Breaker

The Circuit Breaker skin is what you get when you mix classic western cowboy with a futuristic hacker style plus a bit of Chris Pratt's rendition of Starlord. It's a pretty neat skin since it comes with night vision goggles, a bright red scarf, and a color scheme that has a Mirror's Edge feel to it. You can still get this rare skin since it frequently pops up in the item shop for 1,200 V-Bucks.


If you want to creep other players out then this is the best Fortnite skin to do it with. Going toe to toe with a giant wily nutcracker is definitely fuel for nightmares, but once you get past his off-putting appearance, it's actually kind of hilarious. This legendary skin is exclusive to the holidays, so save up 2,000 of your V-Bucks and be prepared to spread a little holiday cheer. It sometimes pops up during seasonal events, so be sure to grab it while you can.

Crackabella crackabella skin fortnite

If you're looking for a female nutcracker, Epic Games has got you covered. One of the newest skins on this list, Crackabella popped up over the holiday season of 2018. Far more elegant and regal than its male counterpart, this is the skin you want to have if you like to rule with a wooden fist and still look stunning while doing it. It is frequently available during the holiday season for 1,500 V-Bucks, and is a little cheaper than its predecessor, too.

Dark Voyager

Giving us deep space vibes, the legendary Dark Voyager outfit was exclusive to Tier 70 of the season 3 battle pass. Since it's part of a past battle pass tier, there's no way you can get this skin unless it happens to magically appear in the Cash Shop. It's a shame, because the blacked-out helmet and pitch-black space suit with neon orange accenting make this incredible Fortnite outfit look far out.


Drift is an interesting case when it comes to outfits in Fortnite because it's a legendary skin you could only obtain in the first tier of the season 5 battle pass. It starts off looking rather ordinary, but as you gain more and more XP while using it, different stages of the outfit unlock until you have what many players consider one of the best skins in Fortnite. While revolutionary at the time, Drift started a trend with evolving skins that happens every season now.


The Galaxy skin is one of the most sought-after and controversial skins ever, and for good reason. As we covered in our guide on how to unlock it, this cosmetic was only available to players who purchased a Samsung Galaxy S6 phone or S4 tablet. This didn't stop players from showing up en masse to stores that had demo phones and tablets that they would use to nab this cool galactic outfit. After all, this skin is truly out of this world.

Ghoul Trooper and Skull Trooper

The best Fortnite skins for players who want to look like the undead, Ghoul Trooper and Skull Trooper first made their rounds on the week of Halloween during the Fortnitemares event. Initially, many players criticized the Fortnite devs for the lack of creativity in their Halloween skins, but as they became harder to obtain, the demand for them started to increase. It's not guaranteed that these outfits will make a return, but it's possible that they will show up in the item shop for 1,500 each during the next Halloween event, so be sure to keep an eye out then.

Ice King

In the midst of the wintery season 7, the most elusive reward was the Ice King skin, only available for players who reach the coveted tier 100 in that season's battle pass. The Ice King skin is cool, terrifying, and epic all at the same time. It's one of the best skins around if you want to strike fear and envy into the hearts of your foes on the battlefield.

Lynx fortnite lynx skin

Lynx is like a bit of Catwoman mixed with the beloved Omega skin. It not only looks like a female version of the Omega skin in its black form-fitting outfit but also has several other colors to choose from. If you don't like the sleek catsuit, Lynx can also look like a cute popstar. Unfortunately, it was only available in the season 7 battle pass.

Love Ranger

The Love Ranger skin is a cool spin on the mythical god, Cupid. You can prance around the map as a winged statue with combat boots, though instead of helping players fall in love, you'll be taking them down on your quest to be number one. This legendary Fortnite skin occasionally shows up in the items shop for 2,000 V-Bucks during Valentine's Day.

Maya Fortnite Maya

Chapter 2, season 2 is one of the best seasons ever for skins. Not only are the skins just generally great, like in the case of Maya, but the customization options are unparalleled. The Maya skin has literally more than a million potential outcomes, according to Epic Games.

Through challenges and the like, you can customize her hair, scarf, hat, and much more. Everyone's Maya could be totally different, allowing you to create the best skin for you. You can only unlock Maya in tier one of the season 2 battle pass.

Meowscles Fortnite Meowscles

This list wouldn't be complete without everyone's favorite calico cat spy agent, Meowscles. Also introduced in the season 2 battle pass at tier 60, this swole boy is a highly customizable cat man. By completing the weekly challenges, you can pledge your allegiance to Ghost or Shadow and have his fur color change in the process.

Midas Fortnite Midas

Midas is the crowning jewel of season 2. Only unlocked at tier 100, this skin is a handsome leader of the spies who has that golden touch. The default skin is solid with Midas having a concrete-like skin color with some gold elements. However, the Ghost and Shadow variants elevate the skin further, making his body entirely gold with a gray or black suit.


Omega is where it all started. It was the first major tier 100 skin to show that customization was an option in Fortnite. The full armor set for Omega required players to complete a series of challenges that unlocked upgrades for the suit. On its own, Omega is a pretty slick skin featuring a simple black bodysuit with neon orange accents.

However, the fully upgraded Omega armor will have you looking like a cybernetic ninja or a Marvel supervillain. The bad news is the Omega skin is no longer available since it was exclusive to tier 100 of the season 4 battle pass.


Sporting a cool fur-trimmed bomber jacket with a bright yellow ski mask and work gloves, the Raptor skin's unique colorway and pilot theme make it a highly sought-after Fortnite skin. It very rarely shows up in the item shop, and when it does, it can be purchased for the hefty price of 2,000 V-Bucks.


An obvious homage to Edgar Allan Poe, the legendary Raven outfit is one of the most popular and sinister Fortnite skins. The collar and frills of the shirt resemble the dark feathers of a raven while the hood obscures the face and two glowing eyes peer out from underneath. As Poe said himself, "quoth the Raven, nevermore." Just kidding! This skin does occasionally pop up in the Cash Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks, but it is extremely rare.


We love Easter eggs in games, and the Reaper skin in Fortnite is definitely one of them. This tall man dressed in all black as if he's some kind of undercover agent is a reference to Keanu Reeves' character in John Wick. Unfortunately, this legendary skin is no longer available since it was an exclusive item for tier 100 on the season 3 battle pass. Though there is an official John Wick skin now, this one still holds a soft spot in our hearts for the countless memes.

Red Knight

Take a trip back to the medieval times with the Red Knight skin. Similar in style to the Black Knight, this skin dons jet-black armor and chainmail with a helmet that shields a pair of small glowing eyes. The much more obvious blood-red accents are what truly make this one of the best Fortnite skins to wear if you're trying to intimidate other players. It's rarely available in the item shop and has a steep price of 2,000 V-Bucks when it does show up.

Rox Fortnite Rox skin

When it comes to tier one battle pass characters, none are better than Rox. Introduced in season 9, this wannabe D.Va from Overwatch is a highly customizable character who can be a cute diva or a girl in an awesome mech suit. In addition, the mech suit has an impressive number of color options.

Shadow Ops

Take on the role as a covert operative and assassinate other players in style with the Shadow Ops skin. Although only an epic item, it's popular among Fortnite players simply because it looks rather unique. Dressed in a stealthy black outfit with an edgy bob and a charcoal band across the face, you might just win a match or two by distracting players with how interesting you look. The Shadow Ops skin is frequently available in the item shop for 1,500 V-Bucks.

Tomato Head

The Tomato Head skin lets players dress up as the mascot of Uncle Pete's pizza from chapter one's Tomato Town. He's always got this big grin on his face so you can't really be all that mad when you get taken down by anyone wearing this silly outfit. The best part about this Fortnite skin is that it's customizable and can be occasionally found in rotation at the item shop for 1,500 V-Bucks. With the removal of Tomato Town at the onset of season 7, there's no better way to pay homage than with this skin.


Easily the slickest and smoothest Fortnite skin on this list is the Wildcard outfit revealed by Epic Games during PAX West 2018. The outfit comes in four variations, each one wearing a white suit and one of the four card suit symbols. Unfortunately, it was only available during week 9 of season 5 during the High Stakes event. It's possible that event could return in the future, but we wouldn't count on it.

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